Everybody loves Cinnamon Rolls. Especially the from scratch kind


It’s December. Dang. No more “No Shave November” huh? Well I’ve got a full beard, so I’ll just trim it down I guess. If I didn’t have my beard, I look 14. Maybe that’s a good thing? It’s December and that means it’s officially X-Mas music 24/7 time.

I myself am a Nat King Cole “Christmas Song” guy, I can listen that song multiple times a day. That and Mariah’s “All I want for Christmas is you”. I’m already in the Holiday spirit after that.  So what does x-mas music and shaving have to do with cinnamon rolls?

No idea.

I just figured I’d babled a bit. Did it work?

Anyways I ended up making Cinnamon Rolls one morning a few days after Turkey Day. I swore I’d go on baking sabbatical but that aint happen. I found a Cinnamon Roll recipe that didnt require yeast! Crazy right.

Not that I don’t like yeast, it’s just a pain in the butt to wait around for it to “activate” then later let it “rest”. Plus if not careful, it’ll make your food taste like beer.

But why did I make cinnamon rolls? Well it just so happened I bought a 1/2 gallon of buttermilk and barely used any of it on biscuits. And buttermilk will go bad faster than whatever analogy or cheesy pun you want to insert here.

So they came out quite nicely actually. While cutting them up was no fun, I was amazed at how good they looked and how good they smelled. That’s usually a tell-tale sign.

You do eat with your eyes first. As they say in the cooking world.

And they did get eaten. My aunt was amazed by the fact I just made cinnamon rolls from scratch like no big thing. But it really wasnt. For me anyways. I guess I got that skillz. Maybe.

I gotta start coming up with X-mas gifts (Why is it x-mas? anybody know?) for people.  The last 2 years, I’ve made food gifts. What shall I make this year? Tell me!!!

Anyways, that it for now. Check out ole-posts (I spelled that on purposed. Look at me be clever). And subscribe to this sucker, if you like what you see/read. More than likely what you see, its a food blog after all.  I gotta shave.


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175 thoughts on “Everybody loves Cinnamon Rolls. Especially the from scratch kind

  1. Yummy and gooey — they look like “home” in a pan!

    And I’ll bet they SMELL like it, too!

    Thank you for the awesome inspiration….


  2. It Looks so yummy. I can smell it.

  3. Brian Kudler says:

    Now your talking cinnamon and the holidays can’t be it!!!

  4. I make homemade cinnamon rolls every Christmas morning. It’s tradition. My kids are now 29, 27 and 25 and when I mentioned last year that I wasn’t going to bake them on Christmas morning they were so disappointed that I got up VERY early to surpise them. Yes, I did use yeast, and yes, it is a pain waiting for it to rise, rest, etc., but it was worth the joy that followed at the breakfast table.

  5. hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Lori Graham - Six Degrees Marketing says:

    Yum. We make these often in our home. I was just signing into my wordpress site to make some changes to my biz site and now I’m finding myself side-tracked to make some delish cinnamon rolls. The joys of working from home. You can work and make cinnamon rolls too!

  7. pascquejtaime says:

    WOOOW! Looks so good! I can only imagine eating one of those on Christmas eve, with a hot chocolate around the fire, looking the snow falling down the window, listening uncles and grandmas talking about good old time. This dessert is synonym of comfort!! Thanks for sharing xx Oh and if I could get your recipe, you would be so kind!

  8. brownsugarbreakfast says:

    I’m glad your cinnamon buns turned out better than mine. They look delicious.

  9. Cayla says:

    looks unbelievably delish!

  10. skullfemme says:

    Looks great. You gonna post the recipe??

  11. Dounia says:

    Those look delicious! And it is indeed officially time for christmas music 24/7 🙂 Congrats on being freshly pressed!

  12. mmmm, those look yumyy!
    thanks for making me hungry LOL

  13. sarahpalma says:


  14. Beautiful looking rolls – have just searched out a couple of these magical, yeast-free recipes, tho whether either are the one you used, I knoweth not. (Any excuse to stay away from yeast and yet eat cinnamon) Many thanks for the lovely photos and putting me on the track of the possibilities of yeast free 😉

  15. lead us to the recipe… please….

  16. Yum, I love freshly-baked goodies! This reminds me of the Churro cart here in San Diego where they make fresh Churros before your eyes:)

  17. Looks like the makings of a great Sunday right there.

  18. joygirl says:

    Good photos. Yum-looking food. Strikes me as being an excellent combo for a foodie blog. I’ve always felt daunted by cinnamon buns but reading this has given me a no-doubt short lived burst of energy and pastry bonne homme. Right now in this moment I feel like I may be able to make them. I’m going now before it evaporates. I even have all the ingredients, if you can believe it.

  19. Rae says:

    They look beautiful!

  20. OMG those look fantastic. I remember the rolls my grandmother used to make early in the morning. Your photography excellent as well. Nicely done!

  21. midnitechef says:

    Cinnamon Rolls (with or without yeast) are hit or miss with me. I love to bake but this delicious dish always flops somehow. Too dry, not quite done, too much cinnamon, or not enough flavour. What recipe did you use?

  22. Nikitaland says:


  23. Skatha says:

    I remember my mom used to make cinnamon rolls from scratch occasionally when I was growing up. I think she might’ve used Bisquick as the base, but I’m not 100% sure on that. I just remember how good they were – especially when she tossed in some chopped pecans from the tree out back.

  24. littlengine says:

    Can you share the recipe?

  25. X is the greek sign for “Christ”, so “X” and “Mas” is really just a shortened version of “Christmas”.

    • mamanne says:

      Or some people say it’s “x-ing Christ out of Christmas”. I go with the first explanation from “incompetentperson” because I like it better 🙂

      Definately please share the recipe! I love cinn. rolls but yeast and I have issues when I try to bake with it.

      • thecandiedmango says:

        I think incompetentperson (ironic name?) is correct. If you check out the wiki page on Christmas and “Xmas” you can find some examples of the use of that term that are over a century old, before the big push for secularization of the holiday.

  26. valentinedee says:

    Only thing missing is the white icing drizzled over it. Looks gorgeous!


  27. MAJOR fan of cinnamon, so festive! Lovely blog post. I’m definitely keen for the puff pastry cinnamon rolls, they’re mm mm mmmmm and oh so lazy. Puff pastry is when cheating is REQUIRED.

  28. Dava Greely says:

    Oooh! WANT!!! Is Ole’ Bill willing to share the recipe with this Young Gal???

  29. The Hook says:

    These look pretty cool!

  30. Tear on the body of freedom says:

    That look great.

    I have to try it.

    Thank u for sharing your recipe with us

  31. 1poeticsoul says:

    Aw man! I thought you’d share the recipe! They look wonderful.

  32. You are a man after my own heart Ole’ Bill! I have subscribed!

  33. I WANT one now – love the smell of and eating of cinnamon rolls – YUM:) Congrats on being FP!

  34. carolinajade says:

    These look so good I almost want to bite the computer!

  35. aFrankAngle says:

    More rolls .. .More rolls! thanks for sharing.

  36. Christina says:

    Looks delicious… would you share the recipe you used? I would like to try it!

  37. Love it .. love it.. it looks very good..
    In fact ,I am too in the Holiday spirit .. baking ‘ tuiles almonds cookies, actually don’t ask me why. love your idea of shaving and cinnamon rolls..and Xmas music, something has to go on, I bake tuiles (which means tiles in real French) with Law and Order going on on TV, so I understand …cooking is a little crazy creative messy thing but so rewarding, Happy Christmas!

  38. mjray926 says:

    Yuuuummmm these look delicious! This makes me really want to go make some!

  39. scroungelady says:

    Did you pinch your rolls?

  40. Anywhere Home says:

    Looks great…no recipe??

  41. mediaudio says:

    Looks amazing. My family demands certain baked goods around Christmas – especially the expensive, most difficult ones to make! Congrats on being freshly pressed, get ready for millions of inane comments like mine:)

  42. Tom Baker says:

    Even on a full stomach I could eat those! The look great.

  43. akcielo says:

    They look awesome! I have never done a home made one… any chance you would share the recipe? It would be a Christmas morning surprise! If only I could just resist not hiding in the pantry and having a party all by myself first. lol I know I need help! lol :o)

  44. Oh dear lord. Please tell me how? I have to make everything from scratch these days as I’m allergic to soy and barley (among other things). I love baked goods but I’ve never had to make them before so I just started dabbling in the area. I make Oat Bread every week. That’s it. And now….thank you very much…I crave cinnamon rolls!!! Please o Please o Please o Please…share your magic?

  45. Those cinnamon rolls look yummy. I, too, avoid baking with yeast because I don’t like having to start making things 4 hours before I want to eat them. Totally worth it though! Nice skillz.

  46. Jian says:

    Wow! Could you post a recipe please? I would love to try making these!

  47. Cave Story says:

    Nothing beats home-made stuffs.

  48. The Thought Company says:

    share the recipe it looks yummm!

  49. tistael says:

    Magnificent!!!! Delicious!!!.

  50. Those look delicious! Any chance you could share the recipe? I’ve been trying to find a good recipe for a while.

  51. What elase can I say, ‘YUMMMMMMMY”

  52. That looks delicious! Stop over at my blog sometime, I just did a jalapeno brownie, my first ever bake. Love to know what you think.

  53. Kathy says:

    These look delicious! I love cinnamon rolls. Care to share the recipe? 🙂

  54. hyperhege says:

    They actually look really good!

    I have a cinnamon roll recipe that I have worked/improved on the last 15 years and I am really happy with it 🙂 My great grandfather was a baker so I try to convince myself that I have inherited something.

    Ever tried “making cinnamon rolls” but substituting the filling with something like..:

    Crushed up oreos + a little bit of cream, powdered sugar and butter? Yummy!

  55. 434gt45t3 says:

    Great post. Definitely an interesting read.

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  56. dazjames says:

    They look good, like the ones I made from a packet…would love the recipe to make them from scratch. I also have a thing for not wanting to wait around for yeast to do its thing..

  57. Somebody's Mom says:

    Bill, I had company Thanksgiving weekend and treated them to homemade buttermilk waffles. Huge hit every time! Buttermilk just tastes better in baking. I have a recipe for homemade buttermilk pecan muffins on my website Somebody’s Mom.

    Now I will have to go out and buy more buttermilk to make these delicious mouth watering rolls on your post.

  58. Cinnamon rolls are one of the oldest bun recipes around, going back to the Crusades.

  59. leksani says:

    wow this is great article. I liked your article. very beneficial for us. Thank you.

  60. fmerza says:

    YUM! Just by looking at the pictures, I can just imagine the smell of the cinnamon goodness!! You didn’t include the recipe though 😦

  61. Thomas Wyser says:

    Makes me feel very hungry now – looks so delishous!

  62. Ammon says:

    I can practically taste your cinnamon rolls! Excellent post and photos!

  63. Delicious! I made cinnamon bread (and then french toast!) on my blog awhile ago, and I’ve wanted to make cinnamon rolls!

  64. I hate yeast too….mostly because I never have any when I need it. Rolls look so good. I just put some cinnamon and sugar on some English Muffins to get a quick fix while I make some of the rolls

  65. craftylisa says:

    Yum, these look absolutely melt-in-your-mouth delicious!

  66. mariawriter says:

    mmm, they look goooood! I love cinnamon 🙂

  67. Anne Schilde says:

    I think yeast doughs are worth the time. Did you ice these after?

  68. Getting the recipe to this would absolutely make my day sir!

  69. TJ Sizemore says:

    My holiday tradition – cinnamon rolls and orange sweet rolls. I will try this homemade kind with a cup of Guatemala Antigua coffee. Thanks for the post.

  70. Looks mighty good. Do you have the recipe?

  71. morrighu says:

    Totally awesome with cream cheese icing…..

  72. ablatwork says:

    looks really yummy!

  73. Nina says:

    Yeah, are you going to post the recipe–they looks delish!

  74. Carroll says:

    Woooooooooooooooo! Kind of gets my stomach growling!

  75. jakewilton says:

    Looks amazing, the perfect cold weather treat — for those embracing the snow –.


  76. PM says:

    they look fantastic! i made my first cinnamon roll from scratch last may. i wish you’d post the recipe for this no yeast looker! 😀

  77. Those look so amazingly delicious. If I could cook, I would be making these tomorrow morning!

  78. I LOVE cinnamon rolls and these look amazing!

  79. After Taste says:

    Yum yum yum! I am going to make these next weekend. Delish.

  80. Karyl says:

    Yum! Can you deliver some? 🙂

  81. ipad-casino says:

    I swear i can smell them, OK most likely someone is eating one in my office right now. i may need to go get me one for myself

  82. suetony2011 says:

    Oh my, they do look sinfully delicious….thank you for sharing the photos.

  83. Cindy Murphy says:

    They look beautiful! I could almost smell them while reading this. But…no recipe? : (

  84. Yummo! Make some blankets, that’s what I am doing. Anybody that can make a cinnamon roll look that good, can surly make a no-sew, cut a few strips, tie-it-together gift of warm love!

  85. YUM! Love your blog 🙂

  86. mohanmohan says:

    Always buy the “cheap” priced cinnamon, please. True cinnamon comes from the bark of a tree, and is very expensive. Stripping the bark off the tree kills the trees. Luckily, there is a false cinnamon, which is much cheaper and gives a similar flavor. Harvesting this does not kill cinnamon trees. The false cinnamon is much cheaper in price. NEVER, NEVER go to a spice shop and buy the expensive stuff, PLEASE. Save cinnamon trees. Eat cheap!

  87. rickijohn says:

    ok my mouth is watering

  88. jaycetravel says:

    yummy …. I am definitely cooking this asap ! …. ❤ and thanks for the inspiration 😉

  89. keepsmilinn says:

    So what is Christmas???? Family and friends getting together and enjoying each others company. Cinnamon rolls look fabulous where’s the recipe darlin’.

  90. karmicspins says:

    Oh God why did you post pictures of yeast-free cinnamon rolls…AND YET NOT POST THE RECIPE? I cry. It looks delicious!!! 🙂

  91. joelyroely says:

    I LOVE cinnamon rolls!! OM NOM NOM!

  92. adibenedetto says:


    Check out my Butter Burgers. chocolatecakeinabag.com

  93. Baker Bettie says:

    Mmmmmmm cinnamon rolls. My fave.

  94. Joe Labriola says:

    mmm reminds me of monkey bread!

  95. flancakefan says:

    Yummy! (By the way, the picture at the top looks, from a distance, like chicken fajitas)

  96. Love your blog! This recipe is great. Looking forward to following your adventures!

  97. You write and include pictures of cinnamon roils from scratch and then don’t tell anyone how to do it? What a tease!

  98. I haven’t even tried these yet and know they are delicious.

  99. Yum! They look amazing! I am always looking for things to do with buttermilk!

  100. Adi says:

    currently working on cinnamon bun projects at work too so im constantly bombarded with these, but yet they always look appetizing… not sure why lol
    What’s ur recipe?


  101. i love to eat but i just dont like foods that is sweet, i prefer those tasty breads than this or combine the two

  102. I will have to try out a recipe without yeast now….I love the bake bread, but I have never been able to do yeast cinnamon rolls.

  103. Paul Heck says:

    Nice one, thanks for sharing.
    As for Xmas…
    Christmas is usually pronounced with a silent ‘t’, so it sounds like chris-mus. Chris, cross, hence Xmas, where the X is a cross perhaps.

  104. newsy1 says:

    I’m totally with you on Mariah, Johny Mathis and Nat King Cole. But no fair not giving us the recipe for the great photos.

  105. saigonsays says:

    Great post! Have only eaten home made cinnamon rolls once in my life – in Ann Sathers restaurant, Chicago – and the earth moved…trying to save up for the flight back there soon.

  106. theavonfairy says:

    ooh they they delish!!!!!! Making me hungry 🙂

  107. kayjayaitch says:

    Want Christmas ideas? A few years ago I inherited my grand-mothers cook book and am in the process of publishing it on my blog at kayjayaitch.wordpress.com.
    Some of the earliest entries/articles go back to the turn of the last century.
    Traditional British cookery with plenty of ideas for interesting and unusual foods to give for Christmas!
    Take a look sometime.

  108. Yummy … I’ll put the coffe on. ~~~~ : – )

  109. davbi says:

    Christmas can be shortened to X-mas mostly because Christ is sometimes represented by a cross. I have seen Xistos written to say Cristos. It might derive from Greek, but I’m not sure. Failing that, we can just say it comes from the expression “criss-cross”.

    As for the cinnamon rolls: I cannot wait to try out a recipe later this month! They look delicious!

  110. andrahyb says:

    Aww! No recipe? They look amazingly yummy so dont you tease us, hope the recipe comes soon. Anyway. Stumbled on your blog & I like it, so I hope you dont mind me hanging around abit 🙂

  111. Sammy Nams says:

    Oh, yes. That looks so good I want to lick the screen right now…. but I won’t.

  112. barbbrad says:

    they look so good..love home made baking!!

  113. Lilly says:

    OMG! How can you share those good-a-licious photos without a recipe for them? The pictures got my head spinning around with images and tastes from the cinnamon sugar mixture I made last night all baked in with buttermilk fresh hot out of the oven rolls. (sweats)

  114. trialsinfood says:

    my husband looks 19 when he’s clean shaven and we too love Mariah’s xmas song. the cinnamon rolls look good! i’ve yet to try a recipe for that without yeast.

  115. mysteriouscircumstances says:

    Oh gosh, it seems so delicious!!

  116. yhosby says:

    I can listen to the Temptations “Silent Night” every single day of December.

    Oh my goodness, those cinnamon rolls look so good; I’m very tempted after work to go to Panera Bread and buy two. I have a sweet tooth like no other.

    Keep smiling,
    Yawatta Hosby

  117. lexiland326 says:

    lol, i wish the internet had smell-vision! Those things look so yummy! follow me on my blog, lexiland326.wordpress.com

  118. whenquiet says:

    Fatigued, I just wanted to start another pecan pie to sell from our shop tomorrow, then caught a glimpse of your cinababies and decided to give my pecan pie a rain check…Gonna try your magic tomorrow…Uh oh! Dude, where’s the recipe???Hollah!!:-)

  119. Elisa's Spot says:

    where is the recipe?!?!?!

  120. Eva McCane says:

    you’re not kidding! everybody does love a good cinnamon roll…in fact, i don’t even think it requires a GOOD cinnamon roll. just about any old cinnamon roll will do. yummmm. thanks for sharing. my mouth is full of saliva.

    • angelasoelzerragosa says:

      You are so right, after reading this post I’d be happy to eat cinamon roll dough straight out of the can…lol…

  121. Connie T says:

    Looks good. How to make them? Post a recipe.

  122. Vergielyn Holmes says:

    Looks Delicious =’/

  123. Anybody have a drop-dead knockout recipe for cinnamon rolls better than Cinnabon? I had a secret recipe for some but, I lost the paperwork some years ago. Please forward your best (original & made from scratch) cinnamon rolls, please – no packaged or pre-mix store bought fixes. I will check out all of the best-of-the-best and place your recipe on two emensely popular websites – one that is connected with Food Net!

    Thank You,

  124. Serious! Yum looking. Can I just say that I like your writing style, very laid back

  125. Ohmigod, these look amazing. Auugghh – Why am I gluten free??!!! This is torture!

  126. Moonmooring says:

    I haven’t made cinnamon rolls in forever. You may have inspired me! YUM!

  127. great blog, even better looking buns yummo

  128. cookingsomethingsimple says:

    Congratulations on making Freshly Pressed! These look delicious and I’ve commented on your sugar cookie search post. Are you going to post the recipe for these cinnamon rolls? I would love to try making them myself!

  129. They just look so damn good.

  130. they look soooo good! I love making cinnamon rolls and never find it a chore to wait for them to rise cos the end result is always amazing! Long live cinnamon rolls!

  131. I won’t be able to make these in the next three days, because I’m unfortunately out of town. I promise, though, I’ll come back and try them! Hopefully, I won’t make a mess. =P

  132. i love this blog soo much

    please check out my recent blog

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  133. Lauren says:

    Cinnamon rolls are one of my favorites. Not the easiest to make, but I am inspired to try again!

  134. aakash1993 says:

    delicious post!

    also check out my ‘maggi’ video 🙂

  135. Ok, Ok. Uncle. I cry “Uncle!” Thanks for sharing. Connie

  136. So where is the recipe?

  137. That looks amazing! trying it this weekend. Thanks

  138. angelasoelzerragosa says:

    Wow, they look out-of-this world GOOD! Thanks for sharing (as I head to my kitchen)!

  139. Elaine says:

    You’re darn right about the yeast potentially tasting like beer part. My first bread tasted like beer and I didn’t dare to try breadmaking for the next 5 years. Have only recently dared to pick it up again so yeast free is fantastic in my books.

  140. yatifadeolie says:

    That looks delish! OMG!

  141. Looks 1000 times better than store bought ones ^_^

  142. Looks delish! I’ve been on a cooking mission lately- I may have to try these myself! So much for my ideas of a diet….

  143. Yummm I would love to learn how to bake :))

  144. Lonnie says:

    Hey Ole’ Bill. Enjoyed reading your post.

    The cinnamon buns look great and would like to try your recipe especially if it doesn’t require yeast. I am scared of trying to bake with it. I stick to cookies, muffins and things that don’t include yeast as an ingredient.

    Congrats on the FP

  145. Looks yummy…would you be so kind to post the recipe and instruction..=)

  146. librarina says:

    Did you know you can make your own buttermilk as needed? Just add 1 Tbsp of cider vinegar to 1 cup of milk, stir, and let it sit for about 5 minutes. I do this when I make buttermilk pancakes because I know I would not use it all if I bought some at the store, and it works really well! Can’t wait to try your recipe… Thanks for putting it in your follow-up post!

  147. No*sugar.me says:

    Anybody has a good recipe for those?

  148. It’s things like this item that makes it hard for me to stay on a 2000 calorie diet everyday. But if I have to fall off the wagon every now and then, this is the place to be.

  149. lorabee says:

    MMmmm I’m gonna have to try these!

  150. Rebecca Chantal says:

    your photography is amazing. please photography my desserts for my blog : ). ps the cinnamon rolls also look great.

  151. jenniferhinders says:

    Good looking cinnamon rolls, mouth watering.

  152. Rachel Smith says:

    Agreed. Everybody loves them.
    Especially me! xx

  153. charmsmusing says:

    haha I never thought of “You do eat with your eyes first,” and it is true. Man, it looks SO good.

  154. Malou Prestado says:

    Looks great! I’m dying to try this cinnamon rolls and I can imagine how your kitchen must be smelling when this is fresh from the oven.

  155. These are KILLING me. Usually I feel sort of deflated by the offering of holiday goodies (am I really going to eat ten santa cookies because it’s the holidays and I can?)- but these are the absolute CURE to all my dessert woes.

    Good on you.

  156. asad says:

    good food:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

  157. good stuff, missed a couple typos but don’t woryr about it =)

  158. The other day, while I was at work, my sister stole my iphone and tested to see if it can survive a thirty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now broken and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!

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